Exploring Futures– Gabe Chaille

Published on 07.07.15

Exploring Futures is a module for our second year students. The module has two parts, students need to seek out work experience and also reflect on their future after the course by completing a personal/professional research document. There are lots of different possibilities, from working with another blacksmith, organising and curating an exhibition, working in

Exploring Futures is a module for our second year students. The module has two parts, students need to seek out work experience and also reflect on their future after the course by completing a personal/professional research document. There are lots of different possibilities, from working with another blacksmith, organising and curating an exhibition, working in a school or community setting or entering national and international competitions.

Most of our blacksmith students choose to work alongside other blacksmiths. Some placements can be just for a few days, whilst others span the easter holidays but either way they are a great opportunity to re-imagine what you would like to do for the rest of your life.

Gabe chose to work with Einat Halvey, at Fer a Modeler in Mejanne le Clap, France. Discussing his experience Gabe writes:

“My first couple of days at this school in France were spent just trying to comprehend the sudden change in culture and environment. This was a big shift in my thinking, coming to the realisation that there are a number of other ways to work as a blacksmith that are completely different to the way that I have learned.

There were times when it was frustrating but I realised that it was simply a clash of values and that I needed to understand it rather than fight it. This was particularly true in the amount of time that was taken for lunch which was usually about 2 hours. I initially saw this time as a hindrance to productivity, but as I look back I can see that it was really an essential part of the life of the community, it allowed time to build relationships and to be fair I probably could have used the time more effectively if I had chosen to.

While I was there, I had the opportunity to design and make curtain poles for the house that I was staying in, which was a valuable experience in making decisions quickly and working to a tight deadline as I was only there for two weeks. This experience has certainly whet my appetite for going abroad to work with blacksmiths in different cultures, next up, Italy!”
