Fees and Funding
Here you’ll find all the information you need about the facts and figures related to your course.
Whether you’re studying for a College Level or University Level Course, you’ll find plenty of information in this section. If you would like to discuss anything further, please email funding@hca.ac.uk or call 01432 273359.
Information for College Level Students
Looking for advice on funding for your College Level Course? This section has everything you need…
Tuition Fees
No tuition fees will be charged to students aged under 19 on 31st August in the year in which the student begins their course (with the exception of students from the Channel Islands and overseas countries).
Advanced Learning Loans (Students Aged 19 and Over)
Learners aged 19 and over, studying a level 3 qualification (Diploma in Foundation, Extended Diploma) may qualify to apply for an Advanced Learning Loan. These loans pay for tuition fees charged by the College and are available from the Student Loans Company. To qualify, household income is not taken into account and learners will not have to pay anything back until their income is above the repayment threshold. For more information including repayment and how to apply, please visit www.gov.uk/advanced-learner-loan
Find out more about Advanced Learning Loans.
Course Fees
All students will be expected to pay an annual course fee which includes educational visits and studio materials. Course fees will be approximately £120 – £230 per year, how much you pay depends on which course you study
16–19 Bursary for Students in Vulnerable Groups
If you are aged between 16 and 18 years and think you may struggle with costs for full time education you may be eligible to receive a bursary. Students most in need will be eligible to receive a Vulnerable Student bursary of £1,200 a year, this group includes:
- Students in care
- Care leavers
- Young people claiming Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves.
- Disabled young people who receive Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance / Personal Independence Payments
Free Meals
Students aged between 16 and 18 years from low income families may be eligible for Free Meals. Students will be offered vouchers up to the value of £3.00 per day to be used in one of our College cafe’s. Free meals are targeted at students who are in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit with net earnings less than £7,400 PA.
- Income Support
- income-based Job Seekers Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190 as assessed by HMRC and not receiving WTC.
16-19 Discretionary Bursary Fund
Other students aged between 16 and 18 years facing genuine financial difficulties can apply for a Discretionary Bursary for assistance with course related costs such as travel.
Students living with parents / guardians, who receive benefits and have a household income of £23,077 or less, may be eligible for support from this fund.
The College will be responsible for awarding all bursaries to students and will also decide the amount, when they are paid and will set conditions that students should meet to receive a bursary e.g. behaviour or attendance. Application forms will be available from June 2022.
For more information, please visit www.gov.uk/1619-bursary-fund
Learners aged under 20 years at the start of their course with childcare costs should apply to the Care2Learn scheme.
Learners aged 20 years and over can apply to the College Hardship Fund for help with childcare costs.
Hardship Fund (Students Aged 19 Years or Over)
If you are aged 19 years or over, and are experiencing financial difficulties you can apply to the hardship fund for assistance with travel costs, course fees, equipment, materials and childcare costs. Applications are assessed each term and not all applications will be successful as the College has a limited amount of funding available. Application forms will be available from June 2022.
Residential Bursary (16-18 Years Only)
This bursary is intended to provide financial assistance to students who would otherwise be prevented from attending a further education course at Hereford College of Arts due to unreasonable daily travelling distance from home. The student’s journey must take two hours or more or, they must live in an area where public transport is not easily accessible to them. Most applicants will move to temporary, rented accommodation. Application forms shall be available from June 2022. This bursary is assessed on the student’s household income and not all applications will be successful as the College has a limited amount of funding available.
For further information about accommodation, please email housing@hca.ac.uk
For further information about finance or to request an application form for any of the College bursaries, please email funding@hca.ac.uk
EMA for Students Resident in Wales
Depending on your household income, you could receive £30 a week. This is paid every 2 weeks, so you could receive £60 every fortnight. The student must be aged 16–18 years on 31st August 2022 and has to have a permanent address in Wales at the start of their course to apply to the Welsh EMA. For more information, please call 0300 200 4050 or to download an application form, visit www.studentfinancewales.co.uk/ema.
For student’s resident in Wales and in receipt of EMA, they will need to pay for their transport pass from their EMA.
Welsh Government Learning Grant FE
Welsh Government Learning Grant FE is for students aged 19 or over who are studying a course of Further Education at a college. If you are eligible you could receive up to £1,500 a year. Find out more or download an application form.
Internal Progression Bursary for Higher Education at HCA
All students who have studied and successfully completed a full time Level 3 course at Hereford College of Arts in the last 2 academic years will be eligible to receive a bursary of £500 in their first year whilst studying on a full time degree level course at HCA.
Students who study a part time degree level course will be eligible for a bursary of £250 in their first year.
This information provided is subject to change at any time. All loan figures used are for academic year 2021-22 as we are awaiting confirmation of government regulations for 2022-23, we will update our website when they are confirmed.
Information for Degree Level Students
This page is full of information for students living in England.
Hereford College of Arts Tuition Fee
The tuition fee for 2024-25 for a full time Higher Education course has been set at £9,000.
For Students from England support is available from Student Finance England (SFE) and the Student Loans Company (SLC).
Additional Fees
In addition to the degree fees, the nature of creative arts practice means you will need to allow for some additional costs, such as for materials you choose to use in the production of work and activities, and for trips to external events and exhibitions. The courses at HCA have been designed to minimise the impact of additional costs; all courses leaders have an annual budget and some trips and materials will be fully funded by the college or heavily subsidised. However, typically, a student will choose to spend around an additional £250 in the first year, £375 in the second year and £400 in their final year, depending on scale of work and materials chosen or other related costs. Students spend different amounts depending on the areas in which they specialise and individual choices.
We appreciate that not all students will be able to invest the same money in their work, and staff assessing it will not judge work by the cost of materials or other resources. The college shop includes many specialist materials at good value prices and much digital equipment can be borrowed from the media stores at no cost to students.
Students on all courses may also have the chance to take part in optional trips that require payment towards their costs. Again, non – attendance will not incur assessment penalties, though trips are designed to help students develop their practice.
Tuition Fee Loan
A loan is available for English students & students from European Union member states to cover your tuition fees in full. The amount you borrow does not depend on your household income. The Student Loans Company pays this directly to the College.
Maintenance Loan
All loan figures used are for academic year 2021-22 as we are awaiting confirmation of government regulations for 2022-23, we will update our website when they are confirmed.
All English students studying for a first degree are entitled to a Maintenance Loan to help with accommodation and other living costs (how much you get depends on where you live, study and your household income). The maximum available for 2021-22 is £9,488 if living away from home and £7,987 if living at home.
Both of the above Loans have to be repaid but you will not start paying them back until you have left College and are earning above the repayment threshold. For more information about repaying loans, please visit Repaying your student loan: When you start repaying – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
To get an estimate of how much loan you could receive, please use the student finance calculator.
Maintenance Support for Students Aged Over 60 Years
For students who are aged over 60 years there is a Special Support Loan available of up to £4,014 for full time study only. The amount you receive depends on your household income.
Access and Participation Plans
Hereford College of Arts is committed to promoting fair access to higher education to all students, whatever their income or background. Our Access Agreement sets fees and the financial support the College provides each year to support widening participation for higher education.
Our current Access Agreement can be found below together with previous Access Agreements for students who have already commenced their studies with us:
- Hereford College of Arts Annual Fee Information 2024-24
- Hereford College of Arts Annual Fee Information 2022 – 23
- Hereford College of Arts Annual Fee Information for 2021-22
- Hereford College of Arts Access and Participation Plan 2020-21 to 2024-25
Hereford College Of Arts Access and Participation Plan 2019-20 - Hereford College of Art Summary Access and Participation Plan
- Hereford College of Arts Access Agreement 2018-19
- Hereford College of Arts Access Agreement 2017-18
The college supports students at the pre-applicant stage through outreach activities and by working in partnership with a range of regional colleges. We continue to support our students throughout their studies by offering financial support together with academic and personal guidance.
Extra Help Available from Student Finance England
Loan for Special Support Elements
For students who are entitled to certain benefits they may qualify for an extra loan for living costs. This would mean the maximum Maintenance Loan available would be £10,815 instead of £9,423 if living away from home and £9,423 instead of £7,987 for student living at home. For example; if you are a lone parent or in receipt of Personal Independence Payment or Disability Living Allowance you may qualify for this extra loan.
Childcare Grant
This grant helps with childcare costs if you have dependent children aged under 15 years in registered or approved childcare. Depending on your household income, you can apply for up to £179.62 per week for 1 child or up to £307.95 for 2 or more children.
Parents Learning Allowance
This allowance helps with course related costs if you have dependent children. You can get up to £1,821 a year, depending on your household income.
Adult Dependants Grant
This grant helps with costs if an adult, for example your partner, depends on you financially. You could get up to £3,190 per year depending on your household income.
Disabled Students’ Allowance
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSAs) may be available if you have a disability or a specific learning difficulty including dyslexia. DSA’s do not depend on your household income and what you receive depends on your individual needs. For more information, please contact the Academic Mentoring Team by email to academicmentoring@hca.ac.uk.
How to Apply for Higher Education Funding
The easiest way is to apply online and you should apply as soon as the service opens to make sure you get your money for the start of your course. To apply to Student Finance England for funding, please visit www.gov.uk/studentfinance or, you will be able to use a link from your UCAS application.
For more information/useful guides about loans, other help, DSAs etc, please visit www.gov.uk/studentfinance or www.thestudentroom.co.uk/studentfinance.
Student Finance will send your parents / guardian an email with instructions on how to set up an account to support your application. SFE may ask your parents to provide evidence of their taxable income.
Support Available From Hereford College of Arts
Cash Bursary (First Year Only)
Students may qualify for a Cash Bursary of £1,000 in their first year only. To be eligible for this bursary a student must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- The student must be ordinarily resident in England.
- The student must be liable to pay the full £9,000 tuition fee for their course.
- The student must be a new undergraduate starting Higher Education for the first time in 2022 and have made a firm acceptance of a place on a Hereford College of Arts Higher Education course.
- To be eligible, a student must have a declared residual household income of less than £25,000 per year.
Progression College Bursary (First Year Only)
All students who have studied either at Hereford College of Arts or one of its Progression Partner Colleges on a Further Education course within the last 2 academic years are eligible for a Progression Bursary of £500 in their first year only if studying full time or £250 if studying part time.
Care Leaver Bursary
All care leavers will receive a Cash Bursary of £1,000 in their first year, and will also receive a Care Leaver Bursary of £1,000 in both their second and third year. Evidence of being a care leaver must be in the form of an original letter showing care leaver status from your local authority.
All bursaries are paid to students in 3 instalments: 25% is payable in the Autumn Term, 25% in the Spring term and 50% in the Summer Term. Satisfactory work, attendance and progress during the year are required to ensure all payments are made.
Higher Education Hardship Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide exceptional support to students who are experiencing financial difficulty whilst studying. This support may provide assistance with travel, material costs, rent or living expenses. Students requesting assistance will be required to complete an application form detailing their financial circumstances and be able to show evidence of hardship. Applications are assessed each term and not all applications will be successful as the College has a limited fund available. Students must have applied for, and be in receipt of, their full maintenance loan from Student Finance England before an application can be considered.
Support for Part-time Study
Hereford College of Arts Tuition Fee
The tuition fee for 2022–23 has been set at £4,500 for all part-time courses.
Support Available From Student Finance England (SFE) and the Student Loans Company (SLC)
Tuition Fee Loan
A Tuition Fee loan is available to part-time students to cover their tuition fees in full (there is no upper age limit). The amount they can borrow does not depend on household income. The Student Loans Company pays this directly to the College.
Part Time Maintenance Loans
All English students studying a first undergraduate degree are entitled to a Maintenance Loan to help with accommodation and living costs (how much loan you receive depends on your household income, course intensity and where you live while studying). The study intensity for part time courses at Hereford College of Arts are 50% of a full time course. The maximum loan available for 2022-23 is £4,788 if living away from home and £3,993 if living at home.
Students aged 60 years or over on the first day of the academic year are not eligible for a maintenance loan for part time study. Students studying full time are eligible for a Special Support Loan of £4,014.
Disabled Students’ Allowance
Disabled students’ allowance (DSAs) may be available if you have a disability or specific learning difficulty including dyslexia. DSA’s do not depend on your household income and what you receive depends on your individual needs. For more information, please contact the Academic Mentoring Team by email academicmentoring@hca.ac.uk
Contacts at Hereford College of Arts
For more information about tuition fees, loans or bursaries, please email funding@hca.ac.uk
For any other information or enquiries about Higher Education funding, please email us at registry@hca.ac.uk
Useful websites
Student Loans Company: www.slc.co.uk
www.directgov.co.uk (European Union Students and general information and guidance for all students look in the Education and Learning section)
Student Finance England: www.sfengland.slc.co.uk.
UCAS: www.ucas.com
National Union of Students: www.nus.org.uk
National Association of Student Money Advisers: www.nasma.org.uk
Information for Postgraduate Students
Please read further about some general advice and guidance about our fees and funding options for postgraduate study at Hereford College of Arts.
Hereford College of Arts Tuition Fee
Full Time Study
The tuition fee for 2024-25 has been set at £7,150 for non HCA graduates to study the MA full time, or £6,600 for HCA graduates who have completed an undergraduate course at HCA within the last 2 academic years. There may be some extra costs involved such as course books or materials.
Disabled Students’ Allowance
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSAs) may be available if you have a disability or a specific learning difficulty including dyslexia. DSA’s do not depend on your household income and what you receive depends on your individual needs. For more information, please contact the Academic Mentoring Team by email to academicmentoring@hca.ac.uk
Postgraduate Masters Loans
Postgraduate Loans are available from Student Finance England as a contribution towards course and living costs. If you are studying over two academic years, the loan will be paid equally across 2 years (MA Contemporary Crafts). Each year’s amount will be paid in three instalments 33%, 33% and 34% directly to you.
Students must be aged under 60 years old at the start of the academic year to be eligible.
You should be able to apply for a Postgraduate Loan from the end of June 2022. For more information about Postgraduate Master Loans, please visit www.gov.uk/masters-loan
Payment of Tuition Fees
Payment of tuition fees can be made in one amount before the course starts by bank transfer, or, you can pay in instalments by direct debit.
This loan has to be repaid but only after, you have finished your course and are earning more than £21,000 per year, then you pay back 6% of your income over £21,000.
Contacts at the Hereford College of Arts
For any other information or enquiries about the MA Course or to request an application form, please email registry@hca.ac.uk.
For more information about payment of tuition fees or setting up a direct debit, please email funding@hca.ac.uk.
Useful Websites
- The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding – www.postgraduate-funding.com
- Postgraduate Funding Guide – www.prospects.ac.uk/funding
Direct Gov Guide – www.gov.uk/funding-for-postgraduate-study
Information for Welsh Residents: University Level Courses
Student Financial Support for Students Resident in Wales
Full Time Higher Education 2022-23
Year 1 Students (Level 4)
Hereford College of Arts Tuition Fee
The tuition fee for 2022-23 for a full time course has been set at £9,000 for all courses.
Support Available From Student Finance Wales (SFW) and the Student Loans Company (SLC)
Tuition Fee Loan
A Tuition Fee loan is available for Welsh students who are studying for a first Undergraduate Degree to cover their tuition fees in full. The Student Loans Company pays the tuition fee loan directly to the College. The amount you borrow does not depend on your household income.
Maintenance Loans and Grants
You can get a mixture of grant and loan to help pay for your living costs. The amount you receive as a full time student depends on your household income and where you live. You could get a grant / loan of up to £10,350 if you are living away from home or up to £8,790 if you are living with your parents. The amount you receive will depend on your household income.
The Tuition Fee loan and Maintenance Loan has to be repaid but you will not start paying them back until you have left College and are earning above the repayment threshold. For more information, please visit Repaying your full-time undergraduate student finance | Student Finance Wales
Students need to be aged under 60 on the first day of the academic year to qualify for a Maintenance Loan. There is no upper age limit to qualify for grants or Tuition Fee Loan.
Special Support Grant
Some students may be eligible for the Special Support Grant of up to £5,151 depending on their circumstances, Students who may be eligible include; if you are a single parent, in receipt of certain benefits or aged 60 years or over.
Extra Help Available from Student Finance Wales
Childcare Grant
This grant helps with childcare costs if you have dependent children in registered or approved childcare. Entitlement to this grant depends on your income and that of your partners. The maximum amount of Childcare Grant available is £179.62 a week for one child; or £307.95 a week for two or more children.
Parents Learning Allowance
Parents Learning Allowance is extra help to cover some additional costs incurred by students who have children. The maximum award for this allowance is £1,821 per year and you can only apply if you have one or more children that are financially dependent on you.
Adult Dependents Grant
You can apply for this grant if you have a partner or another adult who is financially dependent on you. The maximum award is £3,190 per year and the amount of grant available to you depends on your income and that of the adult who is dependent on you.
Disabled Students’ Allowance
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSAs) may be available if you have a disability or a specific learning difficulty including dyslexia. DSA’s do not depend on your household income and what you receive depends on your individual needs. For more information, please contact the Academic Mentoring Team by email to academicmentoring@hca.ac.uk
Apply to Student Finance Wales for funding.
Support Available From Hereford College of Arts
Higher Education Hardship Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide exceptional support to students who are experiencing financial difficulty whilst studying. This fund may provide assistance with travel, material costs, rent or living expenses. Students requesting assistance will be required to complete an application form detailing their financial circumstances and be able to show evidence of hardship. Applications are assessed each term and not all applications will be successful as the College has a limited fund available. Students must of applied for, and be in receipt of, all their loans, grants etc. from Student Finance Wales before an application can be considered.
Progression College Bursary (First Years Only)
All students who have studied either at Hereford College of Arts or one of its Progression Partner Colleges on a Further Education course within the last two academic years are eligible for a Progression Bursary of £500 in their first year only if studying full time or £250 if studying part time. This bursary is paid directly to students in three instalments, one each term. Satisfactory work, attendance and progress during the year are required to ensure all payments are made.
Contacts at the Hereford College of Arts
For more information about tuition fees, loans or bursaries please contact Jenny Roberts on (01432) 273359 or email funding@hca.ac.uk
For any other information or enquiries about Higher Education, please contact Dawn Pemberton on (01432) 273359 or email registry@hca.ac.uk
Useful websites include:-
Student Finance Wales www.studentfinancewales.co.uk
UCAS www.ucas.com
National Union of Students www.nus.org.uk/nus-wales
National Association of Student Money Advisors www.nasma.org.uk
This information provided is subject to change at any time. Please visit our website for up to date information at www.hca.ac.uk.
Student Financial Support for Students Resident in Wales
Part Time Higher Education 2022-23
Year 1 Students (Level 4)
Hereford College of Arts Tuition Fee
The tuition fee for 2022-23 has been set at £4,500 for all part-time courses, there may be some extra costs involved such as course books or materials.
Support Available From Student Finance Wales (SFW) and the Student Loans Company (SLC)
Tuition Fee Loan
A loan is available for Welsh students to cover their tuition fees up to £4,500. The Student Loans Company pays the loan directly to the College. The amount you borrow does not depend on your household income.
The Tuition Fee Loan has to be repaid but you will not start paying anything back until you have finished your course and earning above the repayment threshold. For more information about repayment of student finance, please visit Repaying your full-time undergraduate student finance | Student Finance Wales
Maintenance Loan and Welsh Government Learning Grant
If you are a new part time student in academic year 2022-23, you could get a combination of Maintenance Loan and Welsh Government Learning Grant of up to £3,820 to help with course related costs such as books and travel. How much you receive is based on your household income and study intensity.
Childcare Grant
The maximum childcare grant available if you have one child is £89.81 per week and £153.98 per week if you have more than one child.
Parents Learning Allowance
Parents Learning Allowance is extra help to cover some additional costs if you have dependent children. The maximum award for this allowance is £833 per year. The amount you get depends on your household income and your course intensity.
Adult Dependents Grant
You can apply for this grant if you have a partner or another adult who is financially dependent on you. The maximum award is £1,595 per year and the amount of grant available to you depends on your income and that of the adult who is dependent on you.
Disabled Students’ Allowance
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSAs) may be available if you have a disability or a specific learning difficulty including dyslexia. DSA’s do not depend on your household income and what you receive depends on your individual needs. For more information, please contact the Academic Mentoring Team by email to academicmentoring@hca.ac.uk
Support Available From Hereford College of Arts
Progression College Bursary
Progression College Bursary (First Year Only)
All students who have studied either at Hereford College of Arts or one of its Progression Partner Colleges on a Further Education course within the last 2 academic years are eligible for a Progression Bursary of £250 in their first year only if studying part time
Care Leaver Bursary
All care leavers will receive a Cash Bursary of £1,000 in their first year, and will also receive a Care Leaver Bursary of £1,000 in both their second and third year. Evidence of being a care leaver must be in the form of an original letter showing care leaver status from your local authority.
All bursaries are paid to students in 3 instalments: 25% is payable in the Autumn Term, 25% in the Spring term and 50% in the Summer Term. Satisfactory work, attendance and progress during the year are required to ensure all payments are made.
Higher Education Hardship Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide exceptional support to students who are experiencing financial difficulty whilst studying. This support may provide assistance with travel, material costs, rent or living expenses. Students requesting assistance will be required to complete an application form detailing their financial circumstances and be able to show evidence of hardship. Applications are assessed each term and not all applications will be successful as the College has a limited fund available.
Postgraduate Masters Loan
A combination of Postgraduate Loans and grants are available from Student Finance Wales for up to £18,025 as a contribution towards course and living costs. If you are studying over two academic years, the loan will be paid equally across 2 years (MA Contemporary Crafts).
Students must be aged under 60 years old at the start of the academic year to be eligible.
Find out more about Postgraduate Master Loans including how to apply.
Contacts at Hereford College of Arts
For more information about tuition fees, loans or bursaries, please contact Finance on (01432) 273359 or email funding@hca.ac.uk
For any other information or enquiries about Higher Education courses, please contact Registry on (01432) 273359 or email registry@hca.ac.uk
Students from Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland
Students who normally live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland will receive financial support for Higher Education from the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government or the Northern Ireland Executive. For more information, please visit www.studentfinancewales.co.uk, www.saas.gov.uk (Student Support Scotland) or www.studentfinanceni.co.uk (Student Support Northern Ireland).
Students from the European Union
For students starting a course on or after 1st August 2021, you must have settled or pre settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme to be eligible for student finance.
For EU students coming to the UK from September 2022 who do not have settled or pre settled status, you will not be eligible to study a Higher Education course part time. For full time study, you may need to apply for a student visa.
Irish citizens do not need to apply for a visa or to the EU Settlement Scheme.
Students from the European Union with Settled Status and studying an undergraduate course are eligible to apply for a Tuition Fee Loan and Maintenance Loan.
Students from the European Union with Pre Settled Status and studying an undergraduate course can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan only and are not eligible for a Maintenance Loan.