Scholarship at HCA is all about applying our creative thinking and arts knowledge in enterprising ways – making a difference to society and supporting our creative futures.
As members of a creative community, we have the capacity to create imaginative solutions to real-life problems (the scholarship of application), innovate by joining up ideas (the scholarship of integration), create new discoveries and knowledge (the scholarship of discovery) and create excellence in teaching and learning (the scholarship of teaching and learning).
Our scholarship works across maker-spaces, workshops, studios and lecture theatres and we value creative practice both as research and a way to communicate and explore complex ideas in innovative ways.
HCA staff are dual professionals; teachers and creative practitioners with a wealth of knowledge and industry skills. Many are also researchers and scholars with diverse and wide-ranging profiles, such as Gillian Hipp whose PhD work explores how wellbeing in the workplace can be improved by using Labanian movement theory.
Staff and students at HCA present their creative work at national and international conferences and exhibitions and are part of discipline-specific and pedagogical research networks.
Note: If you are looking for financial support, we do not offer full scholarships to HCA but we do offer some bursaries for certain groups.