Here at HCA, we highly value collaboration with external businesses and creative professionals. From the education, exposure and experience which benefit our students, to the creative links provided for businesses and professionals – these collaborations make us proud to be a part of a mutually beneficial community.

Short Courses

Our Short Course programme offers businesses and those wishing to develop their CV skills the perfect opportunity for professional development. Please visit the short course and training for businesses areas of our website for more information, or email the team who will be pleased to offer assistance and advice.

Training for Businesses

The College is also able to offer one to one training for businesses or individuals as well as tailor made courses to meet individual company needs. One to one training is a great way to get up to date or learn valuable new skills. Our tailor made courses provide companies with an affordable and convenient way to bring staff up to date with new software as well as expanding their skill set. Please enquire for more information.

Live Briefs

Live briefs are also an important part of College life as they provide students with the opportunity to experience working for a client, meeting deadlines and other valuable skills. We try to get involved with as many as we can and hope to participate in some exciting local projects this coming year. If you have something in mind which you think may be useful please email us at

Please note: due to course commitments and the high level of briefs received we are only able to consider briefs between September to March each year.

For more information, please visit our Live Briefs page.

We look forward to hearing from you!