Time flies when you’re having fun…

Published on 14.10.14

We are six weeks into the Foundation Diploma and Portfolio Course.  The studios are packed with work for the first formal assessment. The students have worked around 5 rotations, 12 specialist workshops, been on educational visits and had a formal exhibition (to mention but a few things). Students have worked across a range of disciplines

We are six weeks into the Foundation Diploma and Portfolio Course.  The studios are packed with work for the first formal assessment. The students have worked around 5 rotations, 12 specialist workshops, been on educational visits and had a formal exhibition (to mention but a few things).


Students have worked across a range of disciplines and are getting into the swing of taking ownership of their work and their progress via target setting and peer reviews.


All of the students are fully inducted into all of the workshops and are now accessing them individually according to their personal responses to set projects.


Group work, dialogue and collaboration is a vital practice throughout the course.  The students are already working on presentation skills, improving their own communication and sharing ideas and techniques.
