First Year Assessments …
Published on 09.02.15
09.02.2015 The end has arrived and what a journey it’s been! I’m talking, ofcourse, about the Introduction to Processes module! The first year Artist Blacksmiths have produced some great work in response to the project briefs. Having been introduced to a wide variety of processes and workshops in and out of the forge and it’s
The end has arrived and what a journey it’s been! I’m talking, ofcourse, about the Introduction to Processes module!
The first year Artist Blacksmiths have produced some great work in response to the project briefs. Having been introduced to a wide variety of processes and workshops in and out of the forge and it’s been great to see everyone using what they have learned. The last few weeks have been an exciting challenge and have pushed everyone to think and work in new ways and this is the direction we’re heading in with the new module. Have a look at the work and judge for yourselves and don’t forget to check back for more great work to come!