Brian Russell Masterclass: Part 2

Published on 27.03.14

After initial demonstrations, Brian organised the students into teams. He was really keen to mix first, second and third year students together so that the more experienced students could mentor some of the people within each team. There was the leaf making team, a team making all the tenons, whilst another team focused on the

After initial demonstrations, Brian organised the students into teams. He was really keen to mix first, second and third year students together so that the more experienced students could mentor some of the people within each team. There was the leaf making team, a team making all the tenons, whilst another team focused on the frame and the collars. There were a lot of repeat elements within the design so it was important that teams kept measuring and referring back to the scaled drawing template.

Brian Russell Artist Blacksmith Hereford College of Arts

Brian was very generous in giving lots of tips, gathering students together to re-demonstrate components.  Everyone stopped to watch him work on the power hammer as he is well renowned for being a master at fire welding. There was a great buzz in the workshop and I really enjoyed seeing teams of students work together.

Brian Russell Artist Blacksmith Hereford College of Arts

Brian also gave a talk about his work and talked in detail about the way his business runs in terms of working to commission and keeping an on-going relationship with key clients.
