Blink and You’ll Miss It!

Published on 24.03.15

Part 3 of the Foundation Diploma and Portfolio course is already upon us and it sees a shift level (from level 3 to level 4) as well as a palpable new energy to the work.  Ownership of the projects and an increased drive towards self-directed study offer a new focus on sharing ideas relating to

Part 3 of the Foundation Diploma and Portfolio course is already upon us and it sees a shift level (from level 3 to level 4) as well as a palpable new energy to the work.  Ownership of the projects and an increased drive towards self-directed study offer a new focus on sharing ideas relating to grading criteria with peers and tutors.

Foundation Diploma Portfolio Course Hereford College of Arts

Both peer reviews and one to one tutorials happen on a weekly basis during this third and final stage of the course, as ever, the expectation is high and students come prepared to sessions with their work-in-progress to share ideas and progress with tutors.

Foundation Diploma Portfolio Course Hereford College of Arts

All students are working towards their final major project on the UAL Foundation Diploma course at the moment. This is a project that students have all written themselves and hope to explore and eventually realise over the remainder of the course.  No two projects are the same, although all offer a combination of research and exploration, practical experimentation, contextual understanding and refinement of ideas and outcomes.

Foundation Diploma Portfolio Course Hereford College of Arts

All students are working to a detailed and personal time-plan to allow for them to achieve their aims in the workshops and studios, ready for the final showcase exhibition in June.

Foundation Diploma Portfolio Course Hereford College of Arts

Our creative community in the Foundation Studios is buzzing with weird and wonderful samples and drawings, students experimenting, analysing and problem solving.

Foundation Diploma Portfolio Course Hereford College of Arts

Despite the pressure of getting it right, making the deadline and a large and public collective exhibition ahead, the students are still smiling and having a great time. Sneak preview of project work coming soon!
