BABA Exhibition: Installed and Curated

Published on 14.10.14

Exhibition Installed and Curated As part of the International Blacksmith Festival I was asked to help curate an exhibition for the British Artist Blacksmith Association, showcasing contemporary forged metal design from across the United Kingdom. It was really exciting to work closely with BABA, in particular the Chair: Steve Rooke, Elspeth Bennie: who’s a practicing 

Exhibition Installed and Curated

As part of the International Blacksmith Festival I was asked to help curate an exhibition for the British Artist Blacksmith Association, showcasing contemporary forged metal design from across the United Kingdom. It was really exciting to work closely with BABA, in particular the Chair: Steve Rooke, Elspeth Bennie: who’s a practicing  blacksmith and Lucy Quinnell: the owner of the Fire & Iron Gallery.

I was very proud to have so many graduates from our BA represented at the event and the Anvils did a fantastic job installing the show in a big marquee in the middle of the Festival. The feedback from both the public and participants was really positive with the exhibition being noted for it’s professionalism and displaying the superb range of work being produced by contemporary forged metal designers across the country.

BABA were particularly excited and following their AGM, held at the end of the event, I am pleased to announce that I am now a member of the British Artist Blacksmithing Association Council. I am really looking forward, not just to heading up the only Artist Blacksmithing course in the UK, but also having a wider impact on professional blacksmithing. More exhibitions to come so watch this space!
