Hi there, hope you liked your postcard!

We know it’s nice to have a little colour in your day when you’ve got exams to think about. We just wanted to get in touch to invite you to the FE Show in June, and to see if there was anything else you wanted to ask us about studying at HCA. Below are some questions we often get asked, and some info about things going on that you might be interested in. There’s also a link at the bottom if you want to accept your place but haven’t got around to it yet.

Why study Art & Design at HCA 1

Who goes to art college?


Each year our corridors are filled with people from big schools and small schools, people who know exactly what they want to do and people who are just looking forward to finding that out, people who wear their creativity on their sleeves and people who keep it inside their heads and on their screens.

It doesn't matter why you came here. It matters that you are here.

Why study Art & Design at HCA

What do HCA students go on to do?

Lots of our students go on to study at some of the top art, music and dance schools in the UK – including Central St Martins, Glasgow School of Art and London College of Fashion – or continue on to Foundation courses or degrees in subjects like Illustration or Fine Art at the College Road campus. But plenty of young people take the creative thinking they learn at HCA and use it to get jobs in a whole range of sectors, or to land places on academic university courses.

Why study Art & Design at HCA 4

Why go to an art college instead of studying an art A-Level?

HCA is home to some incredible artists and demonstrators who have successful practices outside of their teaching at the college. Having the time to really learn from them, and being able to throw yourself into projects using some of the specialist kit and outstanding workspaces we have at HCA means that you get more about of the experience.The format of our diplomas is set up to give you a strong foundation for working in the creative sector – one of the fastest-growing industries in the UK – and beyond. You get real experience working on live projects with major institutions like the National Trust, the Sidney Nolan Trust – and opportunities to market and sell your own work.

Here’s some of the amazing things HCA students have been up to over the last few weeks

Our soon-to-be graduates are hard at work as they finish off their final projects ahead of the end of year College Showcase. The largest single art event in Herefordshire, the exhibition spans both HCA campuses featuring work from more than 400 emerging artists before they take the next step in their creative career.

Last week 30 of our FE students got home after living and working in Malta and Italy for three weeks as part of the Turing Scheme – a project that funds students to go abroad and experience life in another culture. Judging by the pictures from students and HCA staff who accompanied them, they had an unforgettable experience.

Students from Foundation and Level 3 Extended Diploma were included in an exhibition at the Courtyard in Hereford that celebrated print and graphic design. The show was curated in conjunction with CMYK, which is a huge print and illustration festival on HCA’s degree- level campus. The event was also open to all HCA students for free, and featured talks and workshops from celebrated illustrators and print specialists who work regularly with everyone from the New York Times to punk band IDLES.

4 Reasons to study at HCA

Why study Art & Design at HCA 5

HCA is a genuine creative community

Hundreds of young people come to the campus every day from across five counties to study, create and – in the moments between – to hang out here. Our hallways are full of talented individuals who you’ll work alongside, plan exhibitions with and hopefully stay in touch with long after you finish.

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Get to work in inspiring workspaces

As a dedicated art college, you’ll get access to professional-quality workshops and studios. Expert technical demonstrators are on-hand in each workspace to give you the confidence and expertise to learn new hands-on skills and techniques, to use innovative kit and to unleash your creativity. You’ll also have access to IT, media and digital editing suites – as well as the full Adobe software package – and a library full of inspirational books on art, design, performance and technology.

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Get a qualification that opens doors

Your diploma will be awarded by UAL – University of Arts, London – one of the biggest names in UK arts and culture. Earning a Distinction on an Extended Diploma at HCA will also give you 168 UCAS points, which is equivalent to 3 A*s at A-Level. Whatever you want your next step to be, continuing your studies or starting your career, this qualification will allow you to do it.

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Get a ‘proper job’

In 2021 the UK had 2.29m jobs in the creative industries. Between 2010 – 2019 the sector grew by more than 43 percent, more than double the UK average – while the cultural sector has rebounded faster than the rest of the UK economy post-pandemic. The way our courses are set up, you get
to work out who you are as a creative, and you get best possible preparation to turn that passion into a career.

Accept your place!

Contact us directly : registry@hca.ac.uk

You can call us via our main switchboard between 8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday : 01432 273359

Hereford College of Arts, Folly Lane, Hereford, HR1 1LT