Reflections on my Masters Experience: William Rolls

Published on 10.12.15

“Studying for an MA has been one of the most enriching, inspiring and rewarding periods in my life. Yes it’s been a massive challenge and extremely demanding at times but most things in life that are often bring the greatest rewards. My knowledge has increased, my confidence improved and best of all my practice outcomes

“Studying for an MA has been one of the most enriching, inspiring and rewarding periods in my life. Yes it’s been a massive challenge and extremely demanding at times but most things in life that are often bring the greatest rewards.

My knowledge has increased, my confidence improved and best of all my practice outcomes are a quantum leap away from even a year ago. Deciding to study for an MA with all the implications it brings in terms of personal sacrifice are more than outweighed by enhanced creative practice and better qualification for future opportunities. Being in a supported learning environment with great teachers and creative professionals has quite simply made me a better artist.”

William Rolls