Little Dewchurch Finishing Touches- Mali Goll

Published on 02.03.16

Long term readers of the Artist Blacksmith blog will know that last year our second year students took part in the live brief to design a hand rail for the Parish Church in Little Dewchurch, just outside Hereford. Mali’s design for the handrail was selected by the Parochial Church Council and Vicar before she started

Long term readers of the Artist Blacksmith blog will know that last year our second year students took part in the live brief to design a hand rail for the Parish Church in Little Dewchurch, just outside Hereford. Mali’s design for the handrail was selected by the Parochial Church Council and Vicar before she started making and this coincided with the design having to go through lots of other committees in the Church before installation.

Now that everything has nearly been finalised and approved, Mali can begin to put together the finishing touches to the handrail before its installation.

Here she is at the forge, putting the finishing touches on the repousse copper flowers that are integral to the final design and we are now looking forward to seeing the handrail installed, although with one last committee to go, it may be some time…
