Governance & policies: Committees & minutes

The main tower of HeCA's historic campus set against a blue sky

Committees are an essential way for Board members provide specific oversight and support of the college. This page outline the current make-up of each committee, and provides minutes from recent meetings.

Audit Committee

  • Jennette Arnold (Chair)
  • Judy Balderson (Co-opted Member)
  • Joe Hedges
  • Kay Sandford-Beal (Co-opted Member)

Search & Governance Committee

  • Tim Newsholme (Chair)
  • Abigail Appleton
  • Peta Darnley
  • Mervyn Jones
  • Katie Seekings

Finance and General Purposes Committee

  • Abigail Appleton
  • Professor Robin Baker
  • Mervyn Jones
  • Peta Darnley
  • Clive Hodgeman

Academic Quality and Standards (FE) Committee

  • Tim Newsholme (Chair)
  • Katie Seekings
  • Abigail Appleton
  • Mervyn Jones
  • Dr Joanne Horton (Co-opted Member)
  • Charlotte Semus (Student Governor HE)
  • Dr Kate Mori

Remuneration Committee

  • Tim Newsholme (Chair)
  • Peta Darnley
  • Clive Hodgeman
  • Mervyn Jones

Full Board

  • Mervyn Jones (Chair of Governors)
  • Tim Newsholme (Vice Chair)
  • Professor Robin Baker OBE (Independent Governor)
  • Jennette Arnold OBE (Independent Governor and Designated Safeguarding and SEND Governor)
  • Kay Sandford-Beal (Co-opted member of Audit Committee)
  • Katie Seekings (Independent Governor)
  • Joe Hedges (Independent Governor)
  • Abigail Appleton (Principal and Chief Executive)
  • Caroline Sedilek (Staff Governor nominated by Professional Services staff)
  • Oliver Cameron-Swan (Staff Governor nominated by FE/HE staff)
  • Charlotte Semus (Student Governor HE)
  • Clive Hodgeman (Independent Governor and Health and Safety Designated Governor)
  • Peta Darnley (Independent Governor)
  • Dr Kate Mori (Independent Governor)
  • Myfanwy Page (Staff Governor nominated by HE/FE staff)

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