Manuel is a visual artist with a rich background in documentary film and photography. With a passion for collaboration and a drive to create vibrant and dynamic experiences, he currently serves as the BA (Hons) Photography leader at HCA. Throughout his career as an educator, he has tirelessly worked to develop and deliver challenging courses, providing support to students in various areas, including Photography, Film & Animation.
Fuelled by a deep appreciation for Indian architecture, culture, and heritage, Manuel has collaborated with the Indian National Trust of Arts and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) to design and publish books, brochures, and material for local campaigns and international exhibitions. His expertise has been instrumental in capturing the essence of these subjects and successfully bringing them to life.
In addition to his work with international organizations, Manuel has embraced the freelance world, expressing his creativity as a photographer through several long-term personal projects. His lens has taken him on incredible journeys, covering news and feature stories in countries such as Kenya, Yemen, and Central and South America. Through his camera, he skilfully documents society, capturing the essence of diverse cultures and untold stories.
Driven by his passion and armed with a keen sense of self-motivation, Manuel thrives as both an independent creative force and a team leader. He brings a unique blend of creativity, project management expertise, and a penchant for conceptual thinking. His commitment to excellence and dedication to pushing the boundaries of his craft set him apart. With an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results, he is excited to leverage his skills, experience, and boundless creativity to make a meaningful impact as he embarks on a journey with students.