Rosie Blossett
Rosie Blossett 1
Rosie Blossett 2
Rosie Blossett 3

Rosie Blossett (L6)BA (Hons) Fine Art

I am a UK based mixed media artist working predominantly with ideas around consumerism and mental health. My current work is a reflection of my relationship with retail therapy; taking an autobiographical approach in which I explore the psychological aspects of consumerism.

In particular my main interests stem from fast fashion, the impact it has on the environment, mental health, well-being and our sense of identity. Key influences on
my work include Barbara Kruger and Cindy Sherman who has inspired me to explore the
idea of multiple personalities, which contemporary consumerism allows us to engage with.

In recent work, I have chosen to exaggerate elements of consumer behavior and attitudes. By relating personally to that experience I am able to take elements and create multiple, more extreme identities which challenge our experiences, identity and notions around consumerism. I hope to experiment with the relationship between what we wear and consume with how we feel. As an aspiring art psychotherapist, my career aspirations are reflected in my work and the research process behind the finished installations.