Rico Jordi-Slater (L5)BA (Hons) Artist Blacksmithing
I have always been a problem solver and innovator, and now I am studying how to combine those skills and become a blacksmith. My inspiration comes from nature and the shapes and forms she provides, but, in contrast, also by industrial innovations and complex mechanisms. I am also interested in wildlife photography and plant collecting.
The work presented here provides five examples of my practice. The first was made for the 150mm Challenge, this piece is inspired by the connection between man-made and organic shapes, all made from a single piece of stock of a specific size. The second, Shear Gate, came about after replicating some vintage secateurs, I used every element, even the spring mechanism, to produce a prototype gate based on this design. The third, Fluid Sculpture, was inspired by my first 150mm Challenge piece, this was constructed from two pieces of 10mm square stock, and a cut-up barbeque grate. The fourth, Picture Frame, was made from 5mm sheet and riveted together, all made using an angle grinder and a vice. And the fifth, Slumped Glass, was an experiment with melting glass over gracious metals, including thick metal wire, the result was like ice over industrial metals.