Miles Godsell (L4)
Miles Godsell (L4) 1
Miles Godsell (L4) 2
Miles Godsell (L4) 3
Miles Godsell (L4) 4

Miles Godsell (L4)BA (Hons) Artist Blacksmithing

With this project I wanted to express the impacts of close family relationships. Using my own experiences as inspiration, I used playful origami-like shapes to represent the relationship I have with my sister. The minimalist style allows the viewer, using their own experiences and emotions to create their own narratives. I also wanted to use colour as a visual representation of emotion, highlighting the intimacy of touch and how, that in this way, people leave emotional fingerprints on one another.

I chose to base this project around family relationships because of how important they are to me. I feel that because of how used to being around family we become, we rarely take the time to think about what they mean to us and to reflect on the emotions that we experience. This project has become a celebration of how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life, and I hope that other people can share in celebrating their own relationships.

As I continue my artistic journey, I hope to continue using this simplicity as a means of evoking raw emotion. Celebrating the essence of human feelings.