Joelle Higgins (L6)
Joelle Higgins (L6) 1
Joelle Higgins (L6) 2
Joelle Higgins (L6) 3
Joelle Higgins (L6) 4

Joelle Higgins (L6)BA (Hons) Photography

Joelle Higgins is a landscape photographer whose work focuses on creating personal narratives through subtly quiet and confident compositions within personally resonant environments.  Struggles of human emotions either positive and negative through life which are both personal and shared with other individuals are the focus within her work.

Attwood Lane

Attwood Lane is a landscape body of work which focuses on Joelle’s personal struggle of moving home to study in England. The body of work takes the viewer on a journey on reminiscing on her small village in Northern Ireland. ‘Attwood Lane’ explores the positive emotions an individual can experience when reminded of home.

Photo exhibition website: