Isabella Draper (L5)
Isabella Draper (L5) 1
Isabella Draper (L5) 2
Isabella Draper (L5) 3
Isabella Draper (L5) 4

Isabella Draper (L5)BA (Hons) Fine Art

My practice is one that uses a variety of mediums and process to explore a wide range of topics, including loss, the human form, and societal issues/challenges. In past works, the materials selected have had metaphorical value that directly relate to the topic and/or issue that I was responding to. An example of this was when I explored peer pressure amongst young people, which involved photography, collections, printing and other mediums and processes.

My most recent works have consisted of viewer interaction, lens-based media and tactile abstract sculptures responding to the human body. Recent intentions of creating interactive artwork has become an increasing curiosity of mine. This stems from my own childhood experiences with art and family. Personal and confessional art has been a strong influence; however, I have started to draw my focus onto the relationship between material, process, and display.