Bethany Spicer (L5) 10
Bethany Spicer (L5) 6
Bethany Spicer (L5) 7
Bethany Spicer (L5) 8
Bethany Spicer (L5) 9

Bethany Spicer (L5)BA (Hons) Photography


My initial intentions for this project was to focus upon and base my project around owls. Including documenting their habitats, anatomy and their habits, using my Canon 1200D, an 18-55mm lens and my 75-300mm lens. I had been aiming to visit Ebbw Vale Owl Sanctuary due to the fact I had previously visited this location and knew what to expect when visiting again. I wanted to base my project around owls due to my love of birds and nature in general, I feel that this module (P6 Narrative Imaging) had enabled me to take on this subject matter, whereas in previous modules it was not possible. I have been aiming to increase and improve upon my wildlife photography due to the fact I am very passionate about this particular field of photography and work on it in my spare time, it is something I would consider taking forward into other projects and later in my photography career. I had then moved on from simply photographing the owls, to using and photographing objects to represent and portray the presence of an owl within the landscape and to use within the darkroom to create prints to experiment with and manipulate.