Acelynn Knight (L5)
Acelynn Knight (L5) 1
Acelynn Knight (L5) 2
Acelynn Knight (L5) 3

Acelynn Knight (L5)BA (Hons) Fine Art

Within my work I enjoy exploring body image through cropping and foreshortening imagery. People are used to seeing edited and carefully positioned images of bodies that can cause unrealistic beauty standards. As a result, we compare and attempt to reach these standards.

I was inspired to start painting the body in this manner because I found an artist, Jenny Saville who constantly experiments with foreshortening, scale and the flesh tones of a figure. Through exploring foreshortening and cropping images, like Jenny Saville, I attempt to rebel, in a sense, against the typical imagery we are exposed to of beauty.

By creating oil paintings, I have found that people perceive the human form differently, they are viewed in a more technical way and the beauty of the image is based more on the artists technical ability rather than the way the person in the painting looks in relation to beauty standards. This body of work has also helped me view myself in a more positive light because I was able to see my body in a different manner. Using myself as the subject in some paintings has allowed for my self-confidence to be increased.

1st painting:
Oil on canvas
Approx. 250×200mm

2nd painting:
Oil on canvas
Approx. 457×356mm

3rd painting:
Oil on canvas
Approx. 210×297mm

4th painting:
Oil on canvas
Approx. 148×210mm

5th painting:
Oil on canvas
Approx. 148×210mm