Abigail Hickinbotham (L6)
Abigail Hickinbotham (L6) 1
Abigail Hickinbotham (L6) 2
Abigail Hickinbotham (L6) 3
Abigail Hickinbotham (L6) 4

Abigail Hickinbotham (L6)BA (Hons) Textile Design

For my Final Major Project I have been working on a collection of digitally printed and hand-painted textiles.  The collection is a response to the chronic pain condition I suffer with, Endometriosis. 

I have been documenting my pain “flare ups” by filling sketchbooks full of mark making using inks, paint and pastels to create emotive bold shapes and textures.   I then digitise these using Photoshop, where I develop them into the multicoloured and multi-layered designs seen here. 

Through my research, which included speaking to other sufferers, developed a colour palette that is bright and bold to enhance positive moods and emotions. Colour is something that makes me feel happy during hard times and I believe it is really important for good mental health and well-being. 

I want to raise awareness of this condition, break the taboo around period pain and show how I can use creative processes whilst still being chronically ill.