These workshops are designed specifically for those who are attending high school and love the arts. Whether it’s painting and drawing, design, media, or music, these workshops aim to provide a creative outlet for young people during the summer holidays. Working alongside our expert teaching staff and accessing our specialist resources: each workshop provides an opportunity to learn new skills and make like-minded friends.
There will be a variety of workshops to choose from such as:
- Textiles: Learn Machine Knitting Basics with John Sanders
- Illustration: Design and make your own Puzzle Purse with Lydia Hand
- Paper Stencil Screen Printing with Amy Pegler
- Learn to make a Box Bottomed Bag with Sally Kingston
- Teenage Kicks- Music performance with Phil Wyard
- Digital Photography with Matt Davies
- And many more…
Each day is split into morning and afternoon sessions – apart from Drawing Portraits and Painting Portraits which will be full-day workshops.
The workshops are split into two age groups, years 7-9 and 10-11.
View our Creative Summer Workshops for years 7 to 9 here.
View our Creative Summer Workshops for years 10 to 11 here.