Want to develop your script writing skills? Bring your laptop or pen along with your ideas and, over 2 x 2 hour sessions (run on 2 consecutive days), work with our BA (Hons) Short Film Making Course Leader and professional screenwriter, Keith Temple (Dr Who, Doc Martin) on the basic building blocks of screen writing to complete a solid first draft script for a short film.
This is Part 1 of a workshop run across 2 days. Part 2 is run the following day 19.10.18 at 16:30 – 18:30 (please note different times each day).
£15 for the course / Limited places, pre-booking advised.
Tickets via The Courtyard Hereford 01432 340555 or visit here: www.borderlinesfilmfestival.co.uk/film/beat-clock-write-script
Part of B2 Film Festival from Borderlines Film Festival.