The academic year begins…

Published on 14.10.14

Last week’s induction delivered us fifteen brand new first year blacksmiths eager to start work. In the first year of the course the students work very closely with both the Contemporary Design Crafts and Jewellery Design students on a range of diverse projects. Last week saw them produce egg-carrying flying machines made from spaghetti and

Last week’s induction delivered us fifteen brand new first year blacksmiths eager to start work. In the first year of the course the students work very closely with both the Contemporary Design Crafts and Jewellery Design students on a range of diverse projects. Last week saw them produce egg-carrying flying machines made from spaghetti and cling film which were first judged for their aesthetic qualities before being hurled across the lawn to see how far they would travel- and of course check whether the eggs remained intact or were broken!

It was great fun and there were some spectacular flying machines but as with all icebreakers the main aim was to get everyone talking and chatting as well as designing. First weeks are always a bit weird and we want everyone to feel welcome, supported and settled.
